Quality Constructed Cables Can Last Five to 10 Years

You still remember your two favorite photos.
Even after you had sorted through hundreds of photos during the last six months, two pictures in particular stand out. One is of your youngest daughter when she was just four years old. She is pictured cheek to cheek with her great grandmother and the natural light coming through the window creates a glow that you have rarely seen. This picture of your grandmother and your daughter is one of the first that is featured on the 30 minute slide show that you have prepared for the 100th birthday celebration.
The other picture is a close up of your grandmother’s hands. Her face is in the picture as well, but it is her hands that are sharply in focus. With a piece of yarn so naturally wrapped across her pointing index finger she uses the size G crochet hook to work on one of her many projects. When you think of your grandmother you often think of the crocheting lessons that she gave you when you were young. To this day you still remember the skill and your own girls marvel at how quickly you can crochet any kind of yarn. You attribute both your speed and the love you have for this craft to your grandmother. You have placed this picture as the very last photo in the slide presentation that will run on a continual loop at the upcoming party.
And while you have been sorting and rearranging photos, your husband has been working on the technical side of the production. In fact, he claims that he is ready for nearly any situation. He has a tub full of carefully labeled cable. Everything from USB 2.0 cables to HDMI highspeed cables. He even packed the 100 ft HDMI cable that he usually keeps at the office. Although he knows that you are willing to spend hours syncing the pictures and the music for the video featuring your grandmother, he also knows that you have very little patience when it comes to the video setup. He has been there before when the missing USB 2.0 cable has kept you from presenting one of your videos, and he knows that it is not a pretty sight.
While you prepare the video that everyone will marvel about, your husband is simply content to remain in the background and be the cable guy!