Is Social Media An Integral Part Of Internet Marketing?


When it comes to social media marketing, there is a right way and there is a wrong way way to do it. More and more small ad agencies and Internet marketing services are coming around to the opinion that, although search engine optimization importance is tangible, social media is also playing an increasing role in SEO and digital media marketing in general. With that in mind, businesses and marketers need to tread carefully. Here are some basics to get you started:

Don’t Overdo It

Some companies are taking the wisdom to update social media accounts frequently and running with it — to devastating effect. Yes, it is wise to update Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a weekly basis, every few days, or, with some discretion, every day. But only if you have something to say. Remember, it’s still a business account. Make sure social media posts are directly related to your products and services. Don’t just ramble on. That does nothing for your business, and it can come across as unprofessional. If you are not careful with your content and opinions, it can cross into controversial or offensive territory as well.

When In Doubt, Keep It Lighthearted

Organic search rankings are always best (70 to 80% of customers ignore paid search), 81% of companies describe their blog as very important, and companies that frequently blog have 434% more indexed pages. What does that have to do with social media? Social media is the perfect place to share blog posts and ultimately boost organic rankings. The important question, however, is what should you be doing when you do not have new blog content to share? Keep accounts active and effective with polls (people like to participate and they can help you better understand your customers), contests, challenges, and tutorials. You can even ask for advice, as long as the topic isn’t too heavy.

Using social media correctly will greatly improve digital media marketing strategies. Remember, to keep posts strategic and relevant — and, when you’re scrambling for something to say, opt for relevant and lighthearted material rather than stirring up a controversy.

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