A Look At The Hotel Industry In The United States

Traveling is an exciting thing – and often a thing that is much needed not only for our mental health (as some time off of work is only healthy), but for broadening our horizons as well. Of the Baby Boomer generation, more than twenty five percent – more than a full quarter – had plans in the making to take some sort of domestic and multi generational trip. And three out of every four of travelers in the United States have plans in the works for a weekend trip (a weekend getaway) to relax on for this up and coming winter, though it is still a good many months away as of the current date.

If you are planning to travel or have traveled before in the past, it is likely that you know all that goes into planning a vacation or even just a weekend getaway. As hotel trends have kept track of, the place that people choose to stay while on a vacation is a particularly important component, with hotel trends showing that the average traveler will conduct nearly twenty research sessions (often online) before making a final and ultimate decision and booking a hotel room.

Hotel trends and and technology often show that more and more people are conducting their research and making their final decisions all on an online platform. In fact, data shows that nearly half of all travelers (around forty six percent, to be more exact) will make a final booking decision on their cell phones, though are likely to access the internet through a computer, either desk top or a lap top, to officially book their hotel. Hotel trends in hospitality have also been able to keep track of how well their hotel is rated, as hotel ratings are now done almost exclusively on online platforms and hosts.

Hotel trends and hotel technology as well as hotel property management systems have been able to see how they are rated, as it is broken down. Ratings tend to be based on price and location, customer reviews, pictures of the location, and recommendations from friends. And hotels themselves, as well as their hotel property management systems, in response to growing hotel trends, have also made strides in hospitality technology and have incorporated hotel property management systems in many locations. These hotel property management systems have helped to improve customer service and, as around three quarter (seventy five percent) of all travelers will return to a destination, it is likely that they are fostering customer loyalty as well.

Hotel trends, such as hospitality technology trends and hotel property management systems, are hugely crucial and important to keep track of. After all, it is the easiest way to know what is working and what might not be when it comes to hotel customer service and the overall experience that a guest has at your hotel. It also helps hotels to build a strong online platform – which is becoming more and more of an essential as technology continues to grow in importance in our modern society – and maintain a loyal customer base that is likely to recommend a hotel or even a hotel chain to friends and family alike.

The growth of technology itself is important in the hotel and hospitality industry. Technologies and softwares can make it easier than ever to keep track of guests, guest experiences, and employees, presenting one of a number of options for employee retention rates (which, it is true, can always be improved). Hotels and hospitality must stay on top of things if they are going to stay competitors in the wider hotel industry.

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