5 Ways to Utilize Printing for Marketing Strategies

If you run a print company or work for a print company, you may feel a little in despair about the turn of the age toward digital marketing and general online usage. However, never fear; in a recent survey, approximately 76% of small business owners said that the best marketing strategies for them incorporate a mix of both printing services as well as digital outlets. Your print company is not becoming obsolete, if anything, it is becoming more and more needed. Here are just a few things that will never be able to only be an online forum.
- Car Wraps
Having decals on your car to represent your business or the phone number or even an entire wrap is always a good idea for representing your business. Not everyone is going to be able to find you online or even know to look you up, so driving around a company vehicle like that is great exposure. There isn’t a whole lot to look at when you are waiting at a stop light and most people will mindlessly read whatever is on the cars or billboards around them. Even if they don’t take much notice then, later on, when they need the service or product that you offer, your car wrap will come back to their mind. Our minds have a great way of storing information until it is needed like that. - Banners and Signs
Every store front needs a sign. How else will people know they are there? If your store sign is only online, it defeats the purpose. You want it to attract attention and show people where you are. Banners also, are supposed to attract attention. You could have them in your windows as product display or in various sanctioned places around town in order to promote your company. Whatever the case may be, digitizing signs and banners will not give you the necessary exposure that physical eye catching signs will. - Business Cards
Here’s one that will never go away. People may not have them as much but they aren’t going anywhere. If you’ve ever met a professional who doesn’t have a business card, your respect for that as a business person tends to waver slightly. However, someone that is prepared and ready to hand over a business card after meeting you will show you that they are organized and that they believe in their business. Sure, the business card could get their email and LinkedIn or Facebook information on it, but the physical presence of the card will enough to get someone to look at it. - Flyers
This one is so so. You could successfully run your business without flyers but a great marketing technique is to add a discount or a coupon to the flyer that they can only redeem with the flyer in hand. This will encourage the consumer to keep the flyer so that they can use the coupon when they need whatever you are selling. If a flyer is purely informational, consumers will probably just throw it away but when there is something beneficial to them on it, they will typically keep it for later use. - Pictures
Words are one thing but pictures and photographs can say a whole lot more than a worded ad. Too many words and people don’t remember anything but an image can stay in someone’s mind forever. This can be used online or as a printed service but people are used to seeing images online and they can tend to blur together. Seeing a large printed picture somewhere that advertises your business or product will stand out from other ads.
So, now you can see why it is best to incorporate the two types of marketing strategies in order to reach many different kinds of people. Not everyone goes online and not everyone pays attention to flyers and banners made by a print company. There are many different kinds of consumers and potential customers in the world. If you focus all your marketing attention on one category, you could be entirely missing the other group of people. By using both methods you are reaching a much wider audience. The more people you reach, the more chance you have at getting customers, which means better income possibilities.