3 Shocking Facts That Will Make You Consider Upgrading Your Biorepository Software


If you work in a lab that performs biomedical research, you understand the importance of sample management and properly maintaining your freezer inventory. Unfortunately, many labs don’t place enough emphasis on keeping up on the latest advancements in biorepository software, which can have a number of consequences.

Biomedical research is serious business, and you are helping save and create lives if you’re involved in this field. Upgrading your sample management software is the best way to make sure your lab is on the cutting edge of any new technology available to the industry. Here are three shocking facts that may make you take a harder look at how well your biobank software is performing:

    In 2015, about 1.7 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed. Cancer is currently the worst enemy of the human race, and your efforts are helping to curb this growing problem. Having a system that is designed to track samples effectively to quickly find what you need could be the difference between a breakthrough and failure in your research.

    17% of biobanks have existed for more than 20 years. If you are in a biobank that has been around for a while, there is a good chance that your biorepository software is not up to date and could be hindering your work. By investing in the newest sample tracking software, you streamline your daily schedule by saving time on finding the samples and making sure you’re dealing with the correct materials every single day.

    The number of tissue samples in the U.S. is increasing by 20 million a year. This staggering number is on top of an estimated 300 million samples that were in biobanks at the turn of the century. The amount of new tissue samples that are deposited every day make it imperative to have biorepository software that you can trust to be accurate and efficient.

With the tremendous advances in biorepository software that have been made in the last decade, it’s essential to your business that you invest in the right sample management system. Biobanks are not the place to cut corners, and you need the best tools possible to do your job correctly.

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