What Is Keeping You From Getting the Mental Health Care That You Need?


What helps you get through your biggest problems? Do you have issues in your life that you need to deal with, but find the process too overwhelming? Perhaps you are a war veteran who saw too many horrible events during your time in Iraq. Perhaps you have childhood memories of abuse that are simply too difficult to talk about, even with a therapist. One of the problems with mental health treatment is that it can take many years before a patient is strong enough to confront the past. At the same time, the longer patients wait before they receive treatment, the bigger their problems can become.
Reasons People Do Not Get the Mental Health Care They Need:

  • Stigma. Our society still has unfounded beliefs about people who receive mental health care. Although we are making strides in this area, many people are still afraid to tell their friends that they either need help, or that they are already getting mental health help. Without the support of friends and family though, the patient has a more difficult time making progress in their therapy sessions.
  • Symptoms are difficult to recognize. Because we have never been a society that has successfully handled mental health issues, most people are not accustomed to talking about the subject. Because no one talks about it, we continue the cycle of being uneducated on the subject. Until we can get to the point where as a whole our society recognizes the signs of depression and other conditions, we will continue to be a society that struggles with mental health awareness.
  • Self Reliance America is a country that has been built by generations of men and women who are certain that they can solve their own problems. If you can solve your own problems, you would never need to see a therapist. This perception of self reliance, however, makes it difficult for the people who can not handle everything alone to admit it.
  • Cost. Mental health care can be expensive. It often requires many, many months, and sometimes years, of care for patients to get to the point where they can work through their past experiences. In the case of chemical imbalances, patients must always have someone checking and monitoring their medications so that they can be adjusted when needed. The process of the psychiatry billing process can be confusing and time consuming. Until we mandate laws that can help patients get insurance coverage for the care that they need, the issue of cost will continue to keep patients from making and keeping appointments. Until mental health billing software allows for efficient insurance filing and payment plans, many people will continue to struggle to pay for the care that they need.

As a nation, America needs to be better about helping people ask for and get the mental health care that they need. Perhaps the best way to make progress in the area of mental health care is to help monitor and subsidize the cost of these treatments and appointments.
Like all medical billing processes, the mental health billing process is both complicated and time consuming. While patients are waiting to see if their insurance will help cover appointments, therapists are waiting for their payments. Behavioral health billing companies can make this process more manageable. Mental health billing software can be configured so that it can expedite the insurance coverage process.
As an industry, many mental health providers are doing what they can to help their patients afford the care they need. In fact, in 2012, nearly 90% of healthcare providers indicated that they offered the option of payment plans to their patients. Mental health billing software makes this process manageable. As the mental health industry, insurance companies, and federal laws work to make mental health care more accessible, our society must also work toward becoming more aware and accepting of those people who are in need of these services. The latest estimates predict that the nation’s overall spending on mental health in 2015 was approximately $113 billion, nearly 6% of total medical costs.
Mental health patients need the help of everyone working together to tackle the stigma and cost of necessary care.

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