Using Mobile Phones And Search Engines To Reach Customers Local SEO

So, we’ve all heard about SEO — the modern form of Internet marketing that utilizes search engines and keywords to connect with customers all over the world. Now how about local SEO services? While it can seem useful to reach people from so many different corners of the country, it won’t mean much if they can’t reach your store! If you have a shop that could use a little more foot traffic, look below at the effectiveness of local SEO and why you should consider upgrading your marketing strategy to something a bit more convenient.
Did You Know?
At least 50% of mobile visitors checked out the stores advertised with local SEO and almost 20% of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day. That’s music to any business’ ears! Local SEO is particularly convenient in its ability to reach out to people that live nearby your business, increasing the likelihood they’ll stop by and check it out themselves. The average customer is more likely to visit a store that’s four to five miles away from where they live.
Using Search Engines
SEO, short for ‘search engine optimization’, is well-known for its ability to use popular search engines to cultivate strong financial results. Now how about some statistics? It’s been found that almost half of all online shoppers will begin their journey with a search engine, with each month showcasing a whopping 12 billion searches across the United States! A recent survey found over 80% of retailers choosing SEO as the most effective customer acquisition tactic, to boot. So, how can this help your business reach a wider audience while still keeping it local?
Why Should You Use Local SEO?
SEO leads have a higher close rate than your average form of marketing, such as print and direct mail, and have even been found to beat out social media in terms of web traffic. A recent survey has shown that half of all mobile searches are done in the hopes of finding a nearby location — nothing cements a happier customer quite like convenience! Using local SEO tools is as easy as calling for affordable SEO services and explaining the goals and potential bottom line of your brand. With mobile phones and search engines at your fingertips, a satisfied customer base is more attainable than its ever been. Who will you contact today?