Three Tips for Getting Started with Sitecore


There has never been a better time to make the jump from simple brick-and-mortar store to eCommerce powerhouse. Consider, according to eMarketer, by the end of 2014, web users across the world will have spent $1.5 trillion on goods and services they’ve purchased offline. 2014, more than any preceding year, marks the Age of eCommerce.

As such, building high quality eCommerce websites is crucial to any business that wants to succeed going forward, but where can you turn? If you want the best eCommerce web design capabilities, what system should you be using? For most, Sitecore development is the only way to go.

What is Sitecore?
The answer to \”what is Sitecore\” is two-pronged. On the one hand, Sitecore is a content management system which allows marketers to craft high quality websites, eCommerce solutions, and smart marketing approaches to the mobile and social media markets. Of course, when answering \”what is sitecore,\” you have to discuss the fact that Sitecore is not only a content management system but a digital marketing system. Unlike other CMS on the market, Sitecore provides its users with high-end engagement analytics, engagement automation, and much more. That’s why huge companies, like Revlon, Boy Scouts of America, and others, rely on Sitecore to get their brands out there.

Three Tips for Beginning Sitecore Developers
Getting started with Sitecore can be a little tricky, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a high quality eCommerce website. Just remember, if you can’t use Sitecore for yourself, there are reputable web design firms out there who can help you out.

  1. First Thing’s First: Evaluate Your Needs
  2. As written on Sitecore basics!, a popular website for Sitecore tutorials, the first step in any Sitecore development project is to evaluate what you need and want out of the project. Do you need an eCommerce storefront that sorts your merchandise by type and price, or do you simply need the standard home, about, and contact pages on your site? Take everything into account in the planning process before you actually get started.

  3. Learn the Basics
  4. This may seem obvious, but trying to develop a website using the Sitecore CMS without being familiar with the way it works is a recipe for disaster, not to mention a great way to waste a lot of time and money in development. To avoid the issue, recommends all fledgling developers use Sitecore’s readily available training course. This will cover the basics on how to build things like Lock Managers. Remember, before you could walk you had to crawl. The same applies here.

  5. Make Sure You Begin with Multi-Domain Support
  6. Having your content shared is a huge part of any successful online marketing campaign. Sitecore can make it easy for web users and other websites to share content from your site that they love, but as the Sitecore Guild suggests, that’s only if you’ve enabled multi-domain support from the get-go. While you can add multiple domain support down the line, it can and will become a headache as more people want to share your content on their pages.

Do you use Sitecore? What tips do you have for beginners? Sound off in the comments below! Visit here for more information.

2 thoughts on “Three Tips for Getting Started with Sitecore

  1. ### 貓飼料選擇指南:如何挑選最適合您愛貓的飼料?


    #### 貓飼料的基本類型
    1. **乾飼料(乾糧)**
    – 優點:方便存放、價格相對實惠,有助於清潔貓咪牙齒。
    – 缺點:水分含量低,貓咪需要額外補充水分。

    2. **濕飼料(罐頭或袋裝)**
    – 優點:水分含量高,適合需要額外補水的貓咪,口感較佳。
    – 缺點:開封後需冷藏,保存期限較短。

    3. **冷凍乾燥飼料**
    – 優點:保留了食材的營養,方便攜帶且保存期長。
    – 缺點:價格較高,需用水泡發後餵食。

    4. **生鮮飼料**
    – 優點:最接近貓咪天然飲食習慣,營養豐富。
    – 缺點:需嚴格控溫保存,製作麻煩。

    #### 挑選貓飼料的關鍵因素
    1. **年齡和生命階段**
    – 幼貓、成貓、老年貓的營養需求不同。選擇標示適合該階段的飼料。

    2. **健康狀況**
    – 若貓咪有特殊健康問題(如腎臟病、肥胖或過敏),應選擇專門配方的醫療飼料。

    3. **成分與營養標示**
    – 優質貓飼料的第一項成分應為肉類或魚類,避免含過多填充劑(如玉米、小麥)。

    4. **貓咪的口味偏好**
    – 每隻貓咪的口味都不同,可能需要嘗試多種品牌來找到最受牠們喜愛的選擇。

    5. **品牌信譽與評價**
    – 選擇有良好口碑和高評價的品牌,並注意是否有第三方檢測認證。

    #### 如何逐步更換貓飼料?
    1. 第1-3天:新飼料混入原飼料的25%。
    2. 第4-6天:新飼料比例提升至50%。
    3. 第7-9天:新飼料比例提升至75%。
    4. 第10天以後:完全更換為新飼料。

    #### 常見問題解答
    1. **我的貓咪不喝水,怎麼辦?**
    – 可以選擇濕飼料,或在乾飼料上噴一些水。

    2. **如何分辨貓飼料是否過期?**
    – 注意包裝上的有效日期,並確保飼料沒有異味或變色。

    3. **可以給貓咪吃人類食物嗎?**
    – 一些人類食物對貓咪有害,如巧克力、洋蔥、大蒜,應避免餵食。

    #### 總結

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