The Best-Kept Secret in the World of Pay Per Click Advertising


Pay per click advertising on search engines can be a somewhat tricky topic, so it’s no surprise there’s so much information out there trying to explain how pay per click works. But much of that information has a big flaw: It assumes that you’re looking for information on Adwords PPC management. Now, it’s true that AdWords, as the platform used to sell ads on Google, is the premier PPC option. Google owns close to 70% of the U.S. search engine market share, a percentage that is nearly unheard of in any other industry. But that doesn’t mean you should totally write off its much smaller competitor, Bing. There are plenty of reasons to invest in Bing pay per click management. To get you started in your research, here are three ways Bing pay per click advertising compares favorably to Google AdWords:

  1. Lower Saturation, Lower Costs

    AdWords is very saturated, which means that bidding on certain keywords can get very competitive. And competitive, in this case, means expensive. If your industry or niche is among the most saturated (insurance, for example), you might pay $50 per click on Google. You need to have very high profit margins in order to be able to sustain those kind of pay per click costs. Because fewer people want to advertise on Bing — and Yahoo, for which Bing provides some ads — you can get some deals on great keywords.

  2. A Conversion-Friendly Crowd

    Although fewer people use Bing, some analyses have suggested that Bing users are more likely to make online purchases and will spend more per transaction. So although you might be seeing lower traffic by using Bing, you might actually see a higher conversion rate, and that’s much better for your bottom line.

  3. More Flexibility in Ad Copy

    AdWords and Bing Ads give you roughly the same number of characters (70) for your ad copy. But Bing gives you slightly more flexibility in wording your ads because while Google forces you to write your ad in two separate lines of 35 characters each, Bing allows you to write one longer phrase. That flexibility can make a big difference when it comes to inserting the subtle psychological triggers that increase conversion rates.

What do you think? Will you be looking further into Bing pay per click management, or sticking to Google? Join the discussion in the comments.

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