Launching a New Company? Protect Your Vital Data With a Managed Service Provider
Does your company currently have a managed service provider (MSP) or otherwise outsource its IT services? If not, then you may be interested in learning more about the benefits of doing so. Other companies, and this includes companies of all sizes, have expressed a variety of reasons for using a MSP for their IT solutions.
According to a 2015 survey, 66% of the participating businesses indicated that they had outsourced their managed IT services within the prior year. Many of the companies that chose to use a MSP did so because they received a solid return on their investment. In other words, they were able to have their systems backed up and monitored so there was less downtime or a loss of sensitive data. As you may be aware, downtime and other IT issues can lead to a significant loss in revenue.
The reason for using outside IT companies for 38% of the companies was for enhanced security and compliance. Given the prevalence of cyber attacks, it’s not surprising that 58% of businesses are concerned about this issue. It’s likely that the businesses which aren’t as concerned about this possibility have outsourced their IT and have security measures in place.
IT downtown can occur due to a variety of situations, which includes, but is not limited to, cyber attacks. In many instances, the downtime that occurs from a single event can last for over eight hours. This was the case with 54% of the participating companies.
In addition to providing specific IT security services, MSP companies can transfer a business’ data and infrastructure to the cloud. It’s interesting to note that 96% of businesses claim to have a disaster recovery situation. However, the results of the survey showed that just 50% of these businesses were actually utilizing cloud-based technology. In the event that a disaster should strike, it’s essential to protect a company’s sensitive data and infrastructure.
Deloitte?s 2016 Global Outsourcing Survey reported that 31% of IT services had been outsourced by various types of companies. Given that outsourcing these services can bring a solid return on investment, protect data, and provide other vital IT solutions, it’s surprising that more businesses aren’t utilizing these services to their advantage.
If your company is seriously considering the benefits of using managed IT services, then you may may also be interested to know that the market for managed security services is projected to increase. Currently, the market value is $17.02 billion, and by 2020, the value is expected to nearly double to $33.68 billion. Whether your company has experienced issues or not, doesn’t it make solid business sense to discuss your options with an IT company? When your company has a preparedness plan in place, which includes using managed security services, it can make a significant difference in your business’ current stability and future growth.