Designing A Website What To Know


As a small business owner, there is one thing you should probably accept ahead of time: it’ s virtually impossible to make it in business in this day and age without online advertising. Internet marketing has become an important part of our world, with 61% of all global Internet users researching products online before they buy. The great thing about internet advertising becoming so commonplace is that it reaches a greater audience than traditional advertising. The catch is that online marketing involves a lot of competition. You’re competing with potentially thousands of businesses offering services or products similar to yours. This is where things like search engine optimization and web design come in. A strong website — especially a website that utilizes SEO content — can set you apart in a big way. Utilizing search engines and putting yourself on the map can make your business. But you can’t necessarily make a great website without some professional help. Let’s look into what you should think about when building a website, and how professional web designers can help.

What To Look For In A Website

There are plenty of things to consider when building your website. Ideally, before talking to a web designer you’ll already have a strong idea of what you want in mind. However, if this is not the case, a professional web designer can help you brainstorm some good ideas. Even if you already have a website that you want to improve, that is very much possible. One disappointing website can be redesigned and turned into a beautiful new site with little issue. Your site should be visually bold and get the point across with ease. There should be little to no confusion about the point you’re trying to communicate; and perhaps most importantly, the website should be easy to navigate. Bold colors are a good idea, as is a clean font and an easily-accessed menu. But beyond the simple visuals, there’s much more to think about.

Your New Site: What To Prioritize

From link building to video content, there are many different things to prioritize when designing your website. Link building is a clean way to make your site easier to navigate; by link building, you can connect site visitors to content that will better communicate the ideas behind your business. When link building, consider perhaps creating links to sites that help define your business a bit better, if the idea is complicated for the layman to understand. Another thing you may want to add to your site is video content. After all, many people who shop online are visual learners. A visual format is preferred by most internet users, with online video views topping 50 billion per month. Videos are attractive and not as time-consuming as reading text. This renders the learning process less intimidating to people simply browsing your site. At the same time, they’re still becoming informed about your business.

Expanding Your Website’s Horizons

Of course, making a website look good isn’t the only thing you should concern yourself with. You also need that site to be easily accessible to the average internet user. This is particularly important for small businesses that target older generations — that is, generations that aren’t as familiar with the online world as the younger ones are. As such, your site should be accessible in multiple formats — not simply over the computer. Make absolutely sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Mobile devices include everything from phones to tablets. If your site is not mobile-friendly, it’s not only limited but possibly making a poor impression. In fact, 48% of all users say that if a business site is not loading on mobile, then the business in question simply doesn’t care. This is the last idea you want your site to give any potential client.

There is much you can do to improve your website. It may be daunting at first — but don’t let that keep you down! Once your site is up and running, you’ll be thrilled you went for it.

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