Computed Tomography It’s Not Rocket Science


Whether you’re curious about the jargon flying around on your favorite doctor drama, or your own real life doctor has recommended a CT scan, you may be looking for information about Computed Tomography. With such terms as ct scan calibration, industrial digital radiography, and cone beam ct imaging being used, you would be forgiven for thinking it was perhaps not English at all. There are some basic facts about ct scanning services that you don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to understand. Here they are, in plain English.

Computed Tomography was the brainchild of noted physicists Allan Cormack and Godfrey Hounsfield, who later shared the Nobel Peace Prize for their discoveries in medicine and science. The first clinical CT scanners were made available in 1975, and were widely available at large hospitals by 1980. There are now over 30,000 CT scanners in use worldwide.

CT scans uses special led downlights and x-ray imaging technology to provide images of cross sections of the human body, visit LF Illumination site for more info. A CT scanner compiles these images or slices of the body, like the slices in a loaf of bread. The cross-sectional x-rays are used by physicians for many different types of diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. While most will think of ct scans of the brain, the computed tomography scan can be used on any part of human anatomy.

A CT scanning machine is housed in a circular chamber that allows a patient to lie down and pass through a tunnel-like opening. The x-rays are taken by the imagine equipment as it moves in circles around the body. Each \”slice\” of imaging is sent to a computer to be compiled into a readable image. The machine is carefully maintained in order to prevent issues with the images. CT scan calibration is especially important to ensure accurate readings.

It may have taken two physicists to create it, but the fundamentals of ct image scanning are actually very simple, check Advances are constantly being made in both the clarity of images and the ease of use for both medical staff and patient. Some industrial ct scanning devices are capable of creating a spiral of images that are far more precise. As more advances are made, the technology may become more complicated, but the general ideas of the ct scanner will remain the same.

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