What to Know About Computer Cables in the Office
It is fair to say that we live in a wired world now in the 21st century, and computers and related devices are used for work, communication, and recreation alike. Some devices, such as laptops and smartphones, can receive wireless signals and function without any cables, which is convenient while on the go. But wireless technology has not made cables such as bulk fiber optic cables or cell phone cables obsolete. Far from it. In fact, in many applications it is preferable to use wires, and many models of them exist for nearly any job. In the office and in the home, bulk USB cables and ethernet cables can get a lot of work done where a wireless connection might be iffy or simply unnecessary. Best of all, many electronics goods stores have cables on stock, such as cat5 cables or cat6e cables, along with 100 ft HDMI cables and more.
Cables for the Office
Most places of business make good use of computers, whether a few laptops or dozens of PCs in a large office building. It may prove impractical, though, to try and connect all of those computers to the Internet wirelessly, since all the signals may interfere with each other, and an employee can’t afford that kind of issue. Instead, wires such as bulk fiber optic cables and ethernet cables will provide smooth and reliable connections to the internet (and to other devices, too). IT professionals can take care of this, and they may set up not only the computers themselves, but also the cables that keep them running. Ethernet cables may plug a PC into another PC or into a router, and enough routers should be on hand for all computers involved. A typical ethernet cable contains four pairs of copper wires, to allow the fast and secure transmission of data. These cables may be threaded discreetly through the office space, and holes can be drilled in the floor to let them pass through.
Don’t forget bulk fiber optic cables, either. An office manager may decide to hire some crews to install those bulk fiber optic cables, and this can totally transform an office’s internet connection. Invented in the late 1980s, bulk fiber optic cables are thin glass tubes that deliver information with pulses of light, and they allow for incredibly fast internet connections with lots of data. A busy office will need that, so the cables are set up. Bonus \”dark\” cables may be added, which can be turned online if any of the main cables malfunction. They can also be activated whenever the office’s internet usage expands.
Ethernet cables also make a data server possible. This is when dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of computer are connected via ethernet cables and switches to form a single whole, which boasts enormous storage space and boosted processing power. Desktop work PCs can be plugged into this data server to get a processing speed boost, and all connected PCs can share data with ease and access that huge storage space. IT workers will set up that data server in a dedicated room, placing the PCs on shelf or cabinet units that have enough holes for cables to pass through.
Cables in the Home
Meanwhile, ordinary homeowners can take advantage of cables, too. A high-end gaming PC may be connected to the home’s router with an ethernet cable, and cables allow the user to plug in a keyboard, mouse, headset, and more. For a work PC, auxiliary items such as printers can be plugged in via cables as well. Cell phones also need cables, and typically come packaged with them. Such a cable will plug into the phone’s port at one end and plug into a USB port at the other, and adapters allow it to connect to an ordinary wall socket. This can recharge the phone’s battery, and allow the phone to share data with a device such as a Mac, PC, or even a game console. And finally, specialized cables can make a home entertainment center possible, such as an HDMI cable to connect a game console or laptop to an HDTV. Ethernet cables allow for video streaming and online gaming, and other cables will plug in a sound system.