Looking for a New Internet Marketing Strategy?
When they all walked under the bar, I ran into it.
She had the steepest stairs.
?I?ll have the coffee to go, please.?
Eager for marching band to start, I turned up the volume on my phone and began conducting along, not caring who saw.
I winced as my tennis shoes made a particularly obnoxious squeak against the wet tile floor.
Marbles. Tiny in volume, gigantic to my future.
It?s funny how a measly thirty seconds can rearrange an entire life.
First Impressions Matter
Whether you are composing the opening line for a college admissions essay or you are creating the homepage for a new clothing boutique, a strong first impression is essential. In fact, a first impression can be everything when it comes to internet marketing strategies. Whether you are making plans for a college scholarship essay, a graphic design for a new company, or a large printing services project for a new medical provider, the first impression you make can determine whether or not you get a second chance.
Of all of the people who are in the business of making a great first impression, web designers may be the ones who see the immediate impact of their efforts. From followers to shares and from likes to retweets, internet marketing web designers who seek to create a following in today’s digital world can immediately see their success or their failure. Every time that internet marketing personnel log onto their site they can see if they have posted something that is catching the attention of their audience.
The Unlikely Mascot for a School
To say that it takes a gimmick to catch the attention of the masses these days might be an understatement. Whether you are looking at more traditional print services for a giving campaign for a small private all boys high school or you are looking to launch a new product in the crowded world of women’s clothing, finding your gimmick can increase your popularity, and hopefully, your success.
Consider, for instance, this interesting tail of a successful giving campion of a successful giving campaign that involved a furry friend that belonged to the principal of the school, but who became the much loved mascot as well.
Initially, the principal was simply looking for a name for his new dog. The furry friend was long on character, but short on behavior when he was first adopted, but the principal was holding out hope that the dog could be trained well enough to be able to spend his days at the school. In the contest among the classes to come up with the perfect name, the juniors prevailed when they suggested a name that mirrored the Pope’s recent call for all church members to be a champion of good. Before long, the newly named Champ was indeed showing signs of improved behavior that allowed him to spend more and more time at school.
The clever marketing director, who reported to the Chief Officer of Giving, was quick to realize that if she had the best treats in the office Champ would always fly past any other options. And that is how Champ began making first weekly, and then daily appearances on the social media posts for the school. Wearing sunglasses, holding props in his mouth, and sometimes even sitting in the lap of the principal and appearing to be typing an email, Champ, the new school mascot, took the school by storm. The fact that Champ had more followers on the school’s social media accounts than even the athletic department was the first real indicator that this charming canine could help promote anything, including the annual giving campaigns.
What Is It about Those Adorable Dogs?
Internet marketing is a fine balance between making the best first impression and creating a following. In today’s pet friendly environment, a cute puppy or kitty can provide many opportunities for a company to connect with its customers. Research indicates that 80% of consumers conduct local searches on search engines: 88% use smartphones, 84% use computers or tablets. Finding a way to connect and keep those consumers is the key to success in today’s digital world. Given that 33% of these searches take place right before a store visit means that you need to make a great first impression, even if you need the help of an unlikely adorable furry friend!