Three Benefits of Mobile POS Systems for Small Pharmacies

If you’re thinking about updating your pharmacy’s old POS system to something new and improved, you’ve probably already started doing some research on retail pharmacy POS systems and found out that you have a couple different types of systems to choose from. All too often, people glance over the mobile POS software option, thinking that a bigger system is more likely to be better. Well, here are a few important points about mobile POS systems and why so many small pharmacies could benefit from them:
- First of all, the fact that these systems are mobile doesn’t mean that they’re any less capable of processing everything that a normal POS system would process — in fact, the mobile devices come equipped with pretty much everything you need to track store data and make transactions, except for a huge cash drawer, of course.
- Security is also a big concern among pharmacy owners — and for good reason: not only is a pharmacy in charge of protecting customers’ personal credit card information, but they also have a lot of medical information stored in their systems. Luckily, the devices used in mobile systems are almost always equipped with encrypted card swiping and electronic signature capturing features.
- This may be a bit obvious, but it’s a huge selling point for small pharmacies that don’t have a lot of space: a mobile POS system is run through wireless handheld devices that can easily be carried around the store, and even out into the parking lot! Your staff can process transactions right in the aisles, and you’ll have some extra counter space once you take out the big, clunky cash register that once sat there.
Now we’re turning to you for some help: if you use a mobile POS system in your small business, what are the perks and what are the drawbacks? If you’re thinking about getting one, what are your biggest concerns? Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section! Research more here.